The past has staked its claim on my present & future self.
I document my memories through the process of collage, painting, drawing and installation. As an art maker, I come from a tradition of still life painting and have culled from this discipline the idea that each still life object contains a spark of memory.
While exploring my past, I strive to give physical embodiment to the environment and objects within the project at hand. The use of analog photos, personal memorabilia, and contrived forms reflect my overall nature as an art builder. These personal objects reflect my current need to discover why retelling my history has a hold on me.
As I re-imagine the past, I rely on the process of experimentation to move forward. I gather ideas beginning with loose adaptations that evolve into grander, nostalgic language utilizing an assortment of materials. At every stage, I physically add, edit, and rethink. It is important that the final presentation does not discount the process and the series of its parts, even if the parts will be filed away.
Within my artistic practice, you will see hints of my Mexican American experience. This presents a gratifying viewpoint in which nostalgia combined with cultural Hispanic notes of home and family become evident.
Coinciding with the portrayal of my familial history, my current work also represents anonymous people distilled in time. Whether via two-dimensional depiction or installation, it has become evident that with each artistic project, I am one instant away from my next visual obsession.