Painting outdoors: comparing backyard landscapes
Very soon I will be heading to Rome to attend a two-week “Painting Rome” plein air workshop and over the last several weeks I’ve been...
Painting outdoors: comparing backyard landscapes
Mini vacation: a plein air experience
Still Life Workshop with Zoey Frank
Commissioning art for gift giving, Brothers-themed
Returning with a new look, website re-launch
Non-figurative series inspired by Matisse, Hammershøi
Plenty of firsts: narrative installation at “Best of Gage”
Group show review: Trowbridge Atelier and Gage Studio Arts Intensive
Dreams and memories: synopsis of a new series
Dream figure symbolizes time and finds place in Flicker collage
Dream imagery as a source for artmaking
Incorporating cartoon imagery into traditional 3D still life
Best practices: maintaining a reserve of oil colors